• Intergenerational Program

    Through our Intergenerational Program, different generations come together to share experiences and knowledge. Intergenerational programs often create opportunities for emotional support and companionship, which can be beneficial for mental and emotional well-being. By fostering positive interactions and relationships, intergenerational programs can help combat ageism and promote understanding across different generations.

    We believe the intergenerational programs can enrich the lives of participants and contribute to stronger, more connected communities.

    We are recruiting retirees to share their skills, knowledge and experiences.

  • Youth Program

    Our Youth programs provide opportunities for young people to learn new skills, whether they are related to academics, arts, sports, or life skills, to promote their personal growth and development. Youth programs can help to unite young people. We seek to foster a sense of community and belonging.

    Our program offers a safe and supportive environment for young people to socialize, learn, and positively express themselves.

    Our Youth program will include, but not limited to:

    Peer mentoring/buddy program


    Public Speaking


    Child Safety

    Gang Awareness

    Internet Safety

    Law and Order

    Volunteer Group

    Youth sports

    Share & Talk

  • Parent-Child Program

    We will offer activities and resources that help parents and children bond, communicate, and understand each other better. We strive to bring families together, encourage social interaction and community cohesion. Parents can benefit from the shared experiences, advice, and support of other parents in the program, leading to a stronger support network.

    Arts & Crafts Club

    Parenting Program/special needs

    Family fun time

    Book Club

    Balloon Modeling Workshops

    Rock Painting

    Chess Club

    Exploring nature- field trips and more

  • Resources Club

    We provide a diverse range of resources to support and enrich the lives of community members. Resources include Summer Camp, access to social services, job search support, health workshops and information on health-related topics.